By Martin L, on 21st July 2012 That was a bit of a splash for the Langtry’s Capocci!
Industrial CO2, Global Heating, a very energetic atmosphere, a stuck jet stream, and… We get a Biblical downpour and a river of water roiling down the road just as I make a mad dash from the bus to Langtry’s. The bus driver looked at . . . → Read More: Downpour a Capocci
By Martin L, on 6th July 2012 That turned out to be a good bit of Pi and a good turnout for both nights with people young and not-so-young converging from far and wide.
The NottingHack Raspberry Jam soon had a mini-Brambleweenie collection blinking their lights and displays. See below for a few pictures from the night. They will be continuing each . . . → Read More: A Feast of Raspberry Pi
By Martin L, on 30th June 2012 The Free Software Movement
Our friend Dr Richard M Stallman was on good form for his talk in Leicester and gave a good thoughtful monologue for The Free Software Movement and how he came to embark on his path promoting such a cause. He briefly covered how the combination of GNU (operating system) and Linux . . . → Read More: rms @ DMU
By Martin L, on 29th June 2012 … Or not to be confused with Agrajag who’s name uses different letters even if the poor creature has had as many reincarnations as has the show, books, films, and more, towards the ultimate moment of 42… 😉
And that was really good fun! Even more so for those that followed the original apocalyptically different . . . → Read More: ARHHGTTG
By Martin L, on 29th June 2012 Simply:
That was a rather good combination 🙂 …
Excellent stuff! Good beer at the Organ Grinder, along with good food and good service at the Shabab Nan Kebab. Indeed, the Shabab appears to be almost timeless in staying consistently good! (So traditional and timeless as to not even be on the web 😛 )
. . . → Read More: Wandering to a Shabab
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