Smearing the Leap Second?…

What Time Stream do You Follow?

What time it might be for whatever meaning of a moment you have – can get very difficult… Especially so when a non-linear, non-consistent viewpoint smears your timing into a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey… stuff (to misquote The Tenth Doctor)…

We already have some long established time . . . → Read More: Smearing the Leap Second?…

An old time NTP DDoS lingering on


A few years later and there is still an old time DDoS lingering on abusing part of the NTP protocol:

This DDoS abuses the “ntpdc monlist” command to generate a DDoS “Amplification Attack” All this has been long ago known and long ago fixed 2010/04/24: – Amplification Attack using ntpdc . . . → Read More: An old time NTP DDoS lingering on

24 Years Hence – y2038

What’s with looking 24 years ahead?

How many computer or control systems are still going to be running in 24 years time?…

Surprisingly, more equipment than might be first imagined…

Hence what has been termed the “unix millennium ‘bug’” is being seriously considered and fixed now.

To explain all about the unix ‘y2038’, there is . . . → Read More: 24 Years Hence – y2038

man ntpq (Gentoo brief version)

Using “man ntpq” or “man 1 ntpq”, you get the ‘brief’ version as shown below of the ntpq man page from a Gentoo system. Contrast with the more widespread and more informative ‘long’ version example or the Gentoo man 8 ntpq example that include the tally codes and output descriptions…

Much further explanation is given . . . → Read More: man ntpq (Gentoo brief version)

man ntpq (long version)

Below is the more usual ‘long’ version of the ntpq man page (from a Mandriva system for this example).

Much further explanation is given on “ntpq -p” output.

ntpq(8) ntpq(8)

NAME ntpq – standard NTP query program

SYNOPSIS ntpq [-inp] [-c command] [host] […]

DESCRIPTION The ntpq utility program is used to monitor NTP daemon . . . → Read More: man ntpq (long version)
