24th Jun 2019 at 7:00 am: Eben Upton makes a surprise announcement for the Raspberry Pi 4!
This is indeed a “surprise”… The expected cadence of new versions of the Raspberry Pi suggested that the v4 would be appearing sometime mid 2020 or later… However, as noted in the announcement blog:
We budgeted time for four silicon revisions of BCM2711 (A0, B0, C0, and C1); in comparison, we ship BCM2835C2 (the fifth revision of that design) on Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero.
Fortunately, [the version] 2711B0 has turned out to be production-ready, which has taken roughly 9–12 months out of the schedule.
Fantastic stuff! And the specs and reviews show a very meaningful boost in performance and features. All still for their target $35!!
Plus, their ever expanding community grows ever further!
- RaspberryPi.org: Raspberry Pi 4 – Your tiny, dual-display, desktop computer … and robot brains, smart home hub, media centre, networked AI core, factory controller, and much more
- mythic-beasts.com: Raspberry Pi on Raspberry Pi – “… We’ve set up 14 Pi 4s for PHP processing for the main website… We once advised Eben that Raspberry Pi probably wouldn’t sell very many computers. He didn’t listen to us then either. We haven’t moved the entire [RaspberryPi.org website] stack to the Pi 4. The front-end load balancers, download and apt servers are still on non-Pi hardware, split across three data centres… If you like the idea of Pi 4 in the cloud, a Pi 4 VM in the cloud or 64 bit ARM in the cloud, tell us your plans…”
- Phoronix.com: Raspberry Pi 4 Announced With Dual HDMI, USB 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet, V3D Driver Stack
- TechRadar.com: Raspberry Pi 4 is on sale with 3x faster CPU and dual 4K monitor support for $35
- TheRegister.co.uk: Go fourth and multi-Pi: Raspberry Pi 4 lands today with quad 1.5GHz Arm Cortex-A72 CPU cores, up to 4GB RAM… – “Those new to the Pi will, however, have a much better experience thanks to Linux simply being a bit happier with that critical extra bit of RAM and CPU with which to play. IoT vendors, on the other hand, will be intrigued by the potential to create ever more intelligent edge devices thanks to the additional power while the dual 4K outputs will have digital signage flingers positively rubbing their hands in glee.”
- tom’sHardware.com: Raspberry Pi 4 Review: The New Gold Standard for Single-Board Computing (Includes some benchmarks.)
- Gareth Halfacree: Benchmarking the Raspberry Pi 4 (Lots of benchmarks.)
- Pimoroni.com: Buy – Raspberry Pi 4
- ThePiHut.com: Buy – Raspberry Pi 4
Looks good!
Want to go faster with the Raspberry Pi 4?
See: Overclocking the Raspberry Pi 4
Includes various benchmarks to show what can be done…
The BBC have their own article for the new Raspberry Pi: The Raspberry Pi goes Fourth
Along with the new Raspberry Pi 4, the Raspberry Pi team also released a new spin of their Raspbian OS:
Buster – the new version of Raspbian
And further to the great furore for the Raspberry Pi 4 announcement, here’s a few more links of goodies:
Raspberry Pi 4 Tech Specs
Setting up your Raspberry Pi
The NEW Official Raspberry Pi Beginner’s Guide: updated for Raspberry Pi 4
The MagPi Issue 83 – Introducing Raspberry Pi 4
Raspberry Pi 15.3W USB-C Power Supply
Raspberry Pi 4 Desktop Kit
Raspberry Pi 4: 48 hours later
(The Raspberry Pi books and magazines can be bought, or they can be downloaded for free as a PDF.)
There’s some good and amazing interest there! All looks good!
Here’s a few more snippets following the surprise Raspberry Pi 4 splash:
Raspberry Pi 4 AMA: Founder Eben Upton Answers Your Burning Questions
Raspberry Pi 4 Cooling Review: Pimoroni Heatsink and Fan Shim Tested
Really awesome Raspberry Pi 4 X-ray radiographs
Your Back-to-School Bootcamp with our free online training
Code your own path-following Lemmings in Python | Wireframe issue 17
That’s a good mix of stuff! There is good interesting comment from Eben, especially that their original intention to boost the numbers of entrants to university computer courses in the UK appears to have come true (at least so for the numbers for Computer Science at his University of Cambridge). The X-ray/CT scans make for a good spooky desktop background!
And note that (all?) the Raspberry Pi Foundation publications can be bought or freely downloaded as PDFs.