By default, ownCloud limits file uploads and downloads to a maximum of 512MBytes in one gulp. Can you take that higher? How large can you go?…
The file size limit for uploads/downloads is set in the underlying php parameters “upload_max_filesize” and “post_max_size”. With those, for consistency also good is to set proportionately the “output_buffering” parameter…
So… How to do that?…
If the installation permits ownCloud to edit the website root “.htaccess” file and that file is active/honoured, then simply set the upload limit graphically on the ownCloud admin page, for example:
Note if active, that overrides adding into the vhosts config for your ownCloud website the parameters:
<IfModule mod_php5.c> php_value memory_limit 1G php_value upload_max_filesize 8G php_value post_max_size 8G php_value output_buffering 8192 </IfModule>
(Those are for an 8GByte upload limit. The increased “php_value memory_limit” parameter may well be no longer needed.)
And those values in vhosts override the values set in the “php.ini” file for Apache2:
memory_limit = 1G output_buffering = 8192 file_uploads = On post_max_size = 8G upload_max_filesize = 8G
One additional thing that should be set in one of those three places is:
upload_tmp_dir = /var/www/
and ensure the “upload-tmp” directory exists and with the correct permissions.
Also, at least for Gentoo if using mysql, ensure there is the php entry for:
mysql.default_socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
Note that some older web browsers and client systems are limited to a maximum file size of 2GBytes. See: ownCloud6 – Dealing with Big File Uploads
For long duration connections or for many multiple files uploads/downloads, you may also need to add for the php:
max_file_uploads = 200 max_input_time = 3600 max_execution_time = 3600 session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600
(Max 200 files and one hour in one gulp.)
Note that in a “.htaccess” or vhosts file those become:
<IfModule mod_php5.c> php_value max_file_uploads 200 php_value max_input_time 3600 php_value max_execution_time 3600 php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 3600 </IfModule>
Finally, restart Apache2 to pick up the new settings and enjoy your cloud with big files!
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