man ntpq (long version)

Below is the more usual ‘long’ version of the ntpq man page (from a Mandriva system for this example).

Much further explanation is given on “ntpq -p” output.

ntpq(8) ntpq(8)

NAME ntpq – standard NTP query program

SYNOPSIS ntpq [-inp] [-c command] [host] […]

DESCRIPTION The ntpq utility program is used to monitor NTP daemon . . . → Read More: man ntpq (long version)

man ntpq (Gentoo long version)

Using “man 8 ntpq” on a Gentoo system, you get the more useful ‘long’ version of the ntpq man page as shown below, as opposed to the Gentoo system man 1 ntpq ‘brief’ version. Confusingly further, it still shows “ntpq(1)”!

Much further explanation is given on “ntpq -p” output.

ntpq(1) ntpq(1)

NAME ntpq – standard . . . → Read More: man ntpq (Gentoo long version)

D&S Sea Food

A possible nominee for “Freeman of Nottingham City”?…


D & S Sea Food charming in The Bell

An often seen regular around the city centre, as seen during the Fat Cats social 15/06/2011, 47-years in the job and still going strong!

. . . → Read More: D&S Sea Food

Hello world!

NLUG Robin Tux

Welcome to NLUG

This is a new website, further posts/pages/contributions welcomed!

For further details about the group and how to join our maillist, please see “About NLUG”. Check on the maillist and here for this month’s events.

We are a very informal group and regularly meet twice a month or . . . → Read More: Hello world!