Thoroughly Postfix Upgrade Compatibility

Here is a rather good idea to help with what should be a rare update to the structure or syntax of system config files. Read on!


A Postfix Config Upgrade

Software upgrades and updates are far too often a bane for unexpectedly changing long used settings, or even completely breaking old configs or previous . . . → Read More: Thoroughly Postfix Upgrade Compatibility

Big Storage and Storage-Class Memory (SCM)

(Timely, just before the Big Data talk by one of our neighboring groups, there is a recent development move in the news…)


Long, long, ago…

Since the very beginnings of electronic “computers“, we’ve had big separated lumps of functionality (CPU units, memory, slow storage, very slow storage, input and output devices, display devices) that . . . → Read More: Big Storage and Storage-Class Memory (SCM)

Smearing the Leap Second?…

What Time Stream do You Follow?

What time it might be for whatever meaning of a moment you have – can get very difficult… Especially so when a non-linear, non-consistent viewpoint smears your timing into a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey… stuff (to misquote The Tenth Doctor)…

We already have some long established time . . . → Read More: Smearing the Leap Second?…

Timeout at the Nottingham Beer Festival

OK… So it was a fine sunny Friday. So, a very good excuse for an early finish from the glare of the computer screens for a small part of NLUG to sample some of the Nottingham Beer Festival 🙂

Also very good to see that our longest standing honorary member was there, the “D” in . . . → Read More: Timeout at the Nottingham Beer Festival

Gentoo Portage CPU_FLAGS_X86 Introduction (2015-01-28)

A reminder from “eselect news read 11” for those that wish to optimize the compiled code for their Gentoo systems:

2015-01-28-cpu_flags_x86-introduction Title CPU_FLAGS_X86 introduction Author Michał Górny Posted 2015-01-28 Revision 2

The USE flags corresponding to the instruction sets and other features specific to the x86 (amd64) architecture are being moved into a separate USE . . . → Read More: Gentoo Portage CPU_FLAGS_X86 Introduction (2015-01-28)