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Virtually Here
07/11/2012 @ 7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Lights, sound, computer, electronic imagination, stirring rousing music, occasional commentary, action!…
We’ve had the ‘Wow!’ and the ‘how’ in our previous installment, until we were then hit by some real world reality… This picks up from where we left off. For any newcomers, you can have an abbreviated teaser to lead you in to where we are or where we might be… All presented by the power of the Raspberry Pi!
Also, for those wishing to update their keysigning, please bring along your various cryptic bits of paper to party. For those unsure or curious, the why/what/how of keysigning can well be an impromptue talk/demo – it’s all easy enough 😉
Plus all the usual discussions and beer and grub and general meet-up…
All at our usual:
Fellows Morton and Clayton
54 Canal Street
Nottingham, NG1 7EH
Telephone: 0115 9506795
latitude = 52.948615
longitude = -1.148431
Google map
Food is also served up until 8pm.
As usual for this time of year, we’ll be up the spiral staircase above the restaurant area at the far back to make use of the big screen for the talks. Beforehand, we may be found in the lower bar area. Just look for the Linux mags and gadgets (or ask the friendly bar staff where to find us 🙂 )
Wednesday 07/11/2012:
- 7:30pm: Meet
- 8:00pm: Discussions/Talks
All welcome!
26 comments to Virtually Here
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That was a good fun video collection, with a few enlightening bits also. There’s rather a lot of cross-over between virtual worlds and what we believe to be our real world…
Thanks to Paul for the extra clip about Ken Block… I had used the following clip as an example of simulating reasonably realistic physics, but also of not simulating so well the surrounding world (note the overenthusiastic Z-culling for example):
Youtube: GTA4 Dirft Ken Block’s Subaru
Little did I know that style of driving is for real!
Good fun… And lots more was shown for how to fool our senses to experience something not real…
We already have and have had for some time “virtual realities”. For the second instalment we saw a little of what is being called “augmented reality” where you have added views that follow the real world superimposed on your own real-world view. Very useful for such as aircraft pilots following on from the old-style “head up displays”, or even for car drivers. However, handed over to Marketing people, do you really want to see your world through their “augmented reality” filtered view of the world around you?
Then going further, through to some gruesome Marketing for future user synergy and safety with increased efficiency and management control, at all time of day and night, throughout the buildings and city for where you live and work… All for our own good ofcourse…
Youtube: Smart buildings – the future of building technology
And then again, do we know what is real?
Youtube: NASA/DoD physicist Thomas Campbell
And mention was made of various realities inbetween…
The RasPi held together quite nicely for viewing at 10fps and even kept the sound reasonably in sync. Stop, start, pause, or 15fps, are still a killer with it for badly losing sync… Until the next upgrade…
Next social is Monkeys and a Shabab!
A few years later and GTA evolves to version 5 and has spread out over 100 square miles of the San Andreas area. Now with some unexpected Artificial Intelligence:
Grand Theft Auto deer causes chaos in game world
A good giggle 🙂
And curious how news in our virtual worlds keeps leaking out into our ‘real’ world… 😮
(Is this a leaky-real alternate to Terry Pratchett’s “Dungeon Dimensions”?… 😛 )
As part of the commentary, I emphasized how what people do with-and-in ‘reality’ and ‘virtual reality’ has a cross-over both ways between the realities. One big distinction of virtual reality is that people can be more fantastic or grander or more extreme in what they do. A form of “augmented dreaming”?… And people can be influenced by their virtual reality experiences…
Virtual Reality, a Solution For America’s Obesity Problem?
In another example in the news of the “cross-over” between the real and virtual worlds:
Minecraft to aid UN regeneration projects
Add in a low cost Raspberry Pi?…
Does it run Minecraft? Well, since you ask…
Minecraft is coming to Raspberry Pi!
Explore the whole of Denmark “1:1” in Minecraft!
Minecraft players can now download Denmark – all of it – in 1:1 scale
All rendered at a super-realistic 1m resolution (“1:1”).
There is also from earlier, as noted in true The Register irreverence, a Minecraft map for Great Britain:
Great Britain rebuilt – in Minecraft: Intern reveals 22-BEEELLION block map
All good although that version looks to be a long way away from a 1:1 scaled map…
Soon enough, for what Minecraft is all about…
Denmark dynamited by cunning American Minecraft vandals
All good virtual fun! 🙂
That intern has been busily mining away under the OS to resurface with:
Ordnance Survey intern plonks houses, trees, rivers and roads on GB Minecraft map
A somewhat more down to earth summary is given on:
Minecraft map of the UK upgraded to include houses
All good continued virtual fun! 🙂
Meanwhile over in the real world, here’s hoping that this recent unexpected world shattering quake doesn’t spoil the party:
Microsoft Has Acquired Minecraft For $2.5 Billion
Minecraft sold: Microsoft buys Mojang for $2.5bn
And for just one telling comment:
Article Comment:
Here’s watching to see what gets dug up 😐
A fun example of the virtual becoming ‘real’… Virtual is copied into reality in a Chinese theme park:
In pictures: Unlicensed World of Warcraft theme park in China
It looks like the big names are jumping onto the “Augmented Reality” show:
Microsoft patents smart glasses with augmented reality
And for some timely Christmas fun with Augmented Reality:
DIY Tardis looks bigger on inside with augmented reality
We’ve had for some long time now the Google Ingress augmented reality roving game that sees players roam far and wide across the real world to play a virtual game superimposed on reality…
And now we have our reality ‘augmented’ with further augmentations on the same theme:
Pokemon Go: Churches sign up to become Pokestops
Which worlds do you play in?…
Two video clips given in the presentation introducing the latest VR hardware were taken from:
YouTube: “Creator of Doom John Carmack shows his reality at E3 2012”
YouTube: “Oculus Rift: What Head Tracking looks like”
Just a few months later, we now have those parts in reality recently demonstrated at CES 2013:
Oculus Rift: Changing The VR Landscape at CES 2013
Quite rightly, that is an enthusiastic article for what really is a game changer!
Ready to go virtual through the Oculus Rift?
Oculus Rift Development Kits Arriving in Customer Hands
A decade of Second Life has given rise to a rather disappointed and dystopian news article despite at least some enthusiastic denizens:
What happened to Second Life?
BBC News Video – Whatever happened to Second Life?
All in a place where virtual reality has stood still? Or somewhere where a utopia has been found by some?
Just as in The Matrix, might there be a need for a third life and a fourth life and…?
Two recent aspects of Virtual Reality in the news that look to be changing our cyber-landscape:
Oculus Rift Interview: Grass-Roots Virtual Reality Momentum Upstages Xbox And PS4 At Gamescom
Why Minecraft is more than just another video game
Many years ago as the dawn of computer ‘adventure games’ and ‘virtual reality’ gained wider interest, who would have guessed today that new ideas ‘all in the mind of the players’ back then would be so controversial at the time:
The great 1980s Dungeons & Dragons panic
What then for such as the old text-terminal Adventures and MUDs (Multi-user Dungeons & Dragons), the multitude of the present day 3D-worlds of various games consoles and “First Person” 3D games, Minecraft, Second Life, and the scarily developing (Marketing) tech of “Augmented Reality“?…
(Do we need a “Second Heaven” or “Bible Life” virtual reality so as to be all inclusive! 🙂 )
And I’m reminded of the incredible foresight of what was depicted for the Matrix in Dr Who in the episodes shown in 1976…
It’s all in your head?…
One of the early MUDs is resourced to be “open sourced” to respawn anew:
Source code for world’s first MUD, Essex Uni’s MUD1, recovered
Game on! 😛
Oculus Rift looks to be changing our landscape in both realities:
Norwegians trial Oculus Rift in tanks: The ultimate battlefield simulator
Meanwhile, for a lower-cost lower resolution augmented reality view:
Epson takes on Google Glass with wired ‘augmented reality’ glasses
Can you believe what you see?! 😉
And this is what the fast expensive high fliers can now see through:
BAE unveils Striker II night vision helmet for fighter pilots
Is what you see really real?…
This looks to be an interesting and beneficial example of enhanced vision that could easily morph into augmented reality:
‘Smart glasses’ help fix failing vision
By the power of cyberworld physical simulation and virtual reality:
Ancient arachnid ‘walks again’
And by the power of a computer game computer-simulated-virtual-world that is now powerful enough to take on the real world:
Gaming supremo creates maps that turn real world into Sim City
All spookily reminiscent of Dark City?… All virtually real! 😛
From field of points laser survey archeology to:
3D virtual reality tours of RRS Discovery developed
How real is real?… 😉
Now also for newly developed warships:
Virtual reality aids BAE warship design
I wonder what we would get if instead they used the readily available Minecraft?… 😉
At least there would be a strong design gain from using readily interchangeable standard parts! 🙂
… And a fortuitous archeological Virtual Reality recently becomes carved in stone:
Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph recreated in London
That is to the backdrop of events in:
Syria civil war: Palmyra damage in pictures
Do we still need to keep the old real world when we can go Virtual?…
HTC is now taking virtuality to your head:
HTC reveals virtual reality headset with Valve at MWC
It’s all in your head! (And around it… 😉 )